Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Night is a poem I wrote mainly to experiment with rhyme scheme; the rhyme scheme is ABCAC. Night captures a moment of apprehensiveness in the night-time forest.
Words I wrote in an attempt to describe how I write. I was trying to explore where the words actually come from when they are written.
Looking-Glass describes an heirloom that has been passed through our family for several generations.
Gor was a poem written to work with personification. I chose to focus on one of the most common and relatable emotions.
My Heart uses imagery to describe heartbreak.
Storm is in the style of a Shakespearean Sonnet. It tells the story of a tiny tugboat caught in a vicious storm through the eyes of an onlooker.
poSSeSSiveneSS describes the feeling of being owned by someone else against your will. All of the S's in the poem increase in frequency and are capitolized.

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